Professor Emeritus of Business
- Kirk, D. J. (2011) Using Social Media to Build Brand Loyalty: Insights from the Designer Shoe Industry, Drake Management Review, 37-44.
- Kirk, D. J. (2011). The Promising Use of Blogs in Master’s Education Programs. Regional Business Review, 11-31.
- Kirk, D. J., (2011). It’s all about the relationship: Interviews with the experts on how digital product companies can use social media. Book chapter in Digital Product Management, Technology and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Troy J. Strader, editor, IGI Global Publishing, 96-112.
- Kirk, D. J., & Durant, R. (2010). Crossing the Line: Framing Appropriate Responses in the Diversity Classroom. Journal of Management Education, 34(6), 823-847.
- Kirk, D. J. & Johnson, T.L. (2009). The Use of Blogs as a Knowledge Management Tool. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13(4).
- Kirk, D. J., & Durant, R. (2009). Hardening of the Categories: A Look at Why Diversity Training Programs Don’t Work and What to do About it. Regional Business Review, 28, 73-91.
- Kirk, D. J., Meyer, B., Miller, C., Root, T. & Senteza, J. (2006). Teaching Evaluations: Does the Switch to an Online Process Make a Difference in How College Students Rate Their Professors? Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 53-68.
- Kirk, D. J. (2005). Managing Diversity in Des Moines, Iowa. Journal of Applied Case Research, 6(1), 1-4.
- Kirk, D. J. (2004). Unionizing the Des Moines Water Works. Business Case Journal, 12(1), 21-31.
- Kirk, D. J. & Franklin, G.M. (2003). Violence in the Workplace: Guidance and Training Advice for Business Owners and Managers. Business & Society Review, 108(4), 523-537.
- Kirk, D. J., & Franklin, G.M. (2003). Desk Rage and Other Violent Acts at Work: Legal and Practical Issues to Consider in Keeping Your Small Business Employees From Killing Each Other and You. Regional Business Review, 22, 54-67.
- Kirk, D. J. (2001). Implications of Recent NLRB Rulings for Employers. Regional Business Review, 20, 78-93.
- Kirk, D. J. & Weber, M. M. (2001). Managing Human Resources at Midwest International Tileworks, Inc. Journal of Applied Case Research, 3(1), 1-6.
- Weber, M. M., & Kirk, D. J. (2000). Teaching Teachers How To Teach: It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Ask. Marketing Education Review, 10(2), 59-67.
- Kirk, D. J., & Franklin, G.M. (1999). What To Do When Dick or Jane Come To You With A Sexual Harassment Complaint: Setting Up Training Programs For College Faculty. Regional Business Review, 18,35-48.
- Kirk, D. J., & Clapham, M. (1998). Is It ‘Men Behaving Badly’ or Sexual Harassment? The Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex Harassment. Labor Law Journal, 49(4), 954-961.
- Clapham, M. M., & Kirk, D. J. (1997). Defining ‘Sex’ in Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Cases: A Review of Federal Court Cases. Labor Law Journal, 535-543.
- Kirk, D. J., Franklin, G.M., & Robinson, R. K. (1997). Pros and Cons of the Federal 8(a) Program: Implications for Small Businesses. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 9(1), 147-153.
- Kirk, D. J., & Sutton, C. (1997). Drug Testing at Georgia Paper Tube, Inc., Annual Advances in Business Cases.
- Kirk, D. J. (1997). FastPrint, Inc. Journal for the International Academy for Case Studies, 3(1), 123-127.
- Kirk, D. J., & Clapham, M. (1996). Bagging or Goosing: How the Courts are Ruling in Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Claims. Labor Law Journal, 403-417.
- Kirk, D. J., (1996). The ‘Dirty Old Man’ (or Woman) Stereotype:Is Your Behavior Being Perceived as Sexual Harassment? Regional Business Review, 15, 56-67.
- Kirk, D. J., Franklin, G.M., & Robinson, R.K. (1996). The Impact of Affirmative Action Set-Asides on Small Businesses: The Adarand Decision. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship,75-86.
- Franklin, G.M., Kirk, D. J., & Moore, W. M., (1993). Current Trends in Human Resource Management. NBDC Report, 151, 3-4.
- Dailey, R. C. & Kirk, D. J. (1992). Distributive and Procedural Justice as Antecedents to Job Dissatisfaction and Intent to Turnover. Human Relations, 45(3), 305-317.
- Nothstine, D., & Kirk, D. J. (1991). Contrasting Value Systems in Business and Non-Business Students: A Preparatory Step to Teaching Ethics in B-Schools. Regional Business Review, 18-28.
- Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G.M., & Kirk, D. J. (1991). Federal Preferential Set-Asides after Adarand: The End of an Era?” Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 5(4), 267-278.
- Oates, B., & Kirk, D. J. (1990). Tea Leaves, Crystal Balls, or Forecasting Software: Ways to Peer into the Future for the Small Retailer. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 30-38.
- Robinson, R. K., Kirk, D. J., & McKee, W. (1989). New Perspectives on the Future of Affirmative Action. Business Insights, 46-50.
- Kirk, D. J. & Baker, J. (1989). The Trend of Sexual Harassment Cases and Its Effect on Small Businesses. Regional Business Review, 30-38.
- Robinson, R.K., Kirk, D. J., & Powell, J.D. (1987). Sexual Harassment: New Approaches for a Changed Environment. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 52(4), 15-18+.
- Robinson, R.K., Kirk, D. J., & Stephens, E. (1987). Hostile Environment: A Review of the Implications of Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson. Labor Law Journal, 38(3), 179-183.
Published Book:
- Kirk, D. J. (2005, 2008). Taking Back the Classroom: Tips for the College Professor on Becoming a More Effective Teacher, Tiberius Publications.
Published Textbook Cases
- Kirk, D. J. (2000). Managing Human Resources At John Deere. Arizona State University Casebook for MBA program, published by National Association for Purchasing Mgt.
- Kirk, D. J. (1997). Dexters Manufacturing: Competition or Teamwork Among Management? published in Chapter 1 of Management textbook by Albanese, Franklin, & Wright, Dame Publishing Co.
- Kirk, D. J. (1997). Managing a Diverse Workforce At Dexters Manufacturing, published in Chapter 10 of Management textbook by Albanese, Franklin, & Wright, Dame Publishing Co.
- Kirk, D. J. (1995). Midwest National Bank. Cases in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Strategies, Practices, and Problems, 112-113.
Published Online Articles
- Kirk, D. J. (2009). 10 Tips for Dealing with Nervousness the First Day of Class. Faculty Focus, Magna Publications, September 30.
Published Newspaper Articles
- Kirk, Delaney J., “10 Tips To Succeed In A New Position,” Des Moines Register, April 15, 2002, p. 2D.
- Kirk, Delaney J., “Managing Employees with Body Odor,” Des Moines Register, October 9, 2000.
- Kirk, Delaney J., “Generation X Workers Can Be Motivated With These Three Steps,”
Textbook Publishing:
- Wrote 38 Management Insight Boxes for textbook; instructors’ manual; testbank; and student study guide for Management textbook by Albanese, Franklin, & Wright. Dame Publishing Co, 1997.